How to remove Gel iQ Method 2
Depending on your nail type and the condition of your nails, you may or may not find it difficult to remove the gel polish. Method 1 using remover oil will work in most cases, but in some instances, for example if you have extremely dry nails, you may need to use method 2.
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Removal using Method 2:
Products to be used: Gel iQ Remover and Gel iQ Removal Wraps Foil
What to do:
While removing the gel, protect the surface where you are sitting with a towel. Make sure there is plenty of ventilation as you work. Do one hand at a time, as it is difficult to work with removal wraps on your hands. It is important to seal the removal wraps up properly, as the remover evaporates rapidly, which means the effect is lost. Leave the wraps sealed up on your other fingers until you are ready to begin scraping the gel away. NB! If you open the wrap too soon before you begin scraping, the remover fluid evaporates, which means the gel will become hard again and be more difficult to remove. To achieve the best results, it is important to ensure that the cotton surface is saturated with Gel iQ Remover during gel removal.
Apply plenty of Gel iQ Remover to the cotton surface of the removal wrap, place it on the nail and then seal the foil up well. Make sure that the saturated cotton surface covers the entire surface of the nail.
Step 2

Wait 15 minutes. NB! The time it takes to work may vary depending on nail type. First open one removal wrap to see if the gel has softened. If the gel has softened all over, start to gently scrape it away using an orange stick. Take care not to damage the nail as you do this. NB! Leave the wraps sealed up on your other fingers until you are ready to begin scraping the gel away. If the gel has not softened, seal the wrap up again and wait a few more minutes.
When all the gel has been removed, wash your hands with soap and warm water. Smooth some cuticle cream or oil into your nails and cuticles afterwards.